Publisert: 07.11.23

Full-stack developer needed for IoT art startup

Our world is full of priceless art. But art deteriorates over time because of changes in humidity, temperature and incorrect handling. What if we could double the lifetime of Mona Lisa, all while saving energy?

At Bev/Art, we use micro-sensor technology and smart software to deliver precisely this solution. Museums all over Norway - and soon also in Denmark, the UK, and the Netherlands - love how we help them protect their collections from climate threats. We have successfully raised our first funding round and are now ready to expand the team and truly revolutionize how we safeguard our shared cultural heritage.

Full-stack Developer Needed for Trondheim Offices

We see a huge potential in the combination of sensor data, conservation science and software to optimize art storage and handling. Now, we need you to build the art protection platform of tomorrow, together with our Trondheim team. You will build an industry-first, real-time transport sensor solution, architect and scale our innovative cloud infrastructure, and develop data analysis tools that turn sensor data into actionable insights. If you love technical challenges, thrive in the high risk game of startups, and want to escape the corporate treadmill - let’s talk.

Technologies that we work with

AWS, GCP, MongoDB, Appfarm, JavaScript, Python, Terraform and Github.

Where we are

Trondheim, with remote work flexibility.


Combination of fixed salary and stock options.

How to apply

Send an application and CV to [email protected] by December 20th.

PS: we also enjoy cabin trips, travelling to art conferences, savoring home-cooked dinners, and meme-creation.




Kunst ødelegges over tid på grunn av svingninger i luftfuktighet og temperatur, og dette fører til store restaureringskostnader og mye manuelt arbeid. BEV/ART er første leverandør av kunstovervåkning som en tjeneste, og kombinerer egenutviklet programvare med markedets best egnede sensorer.

BEV/ART er en startup grunnlagt av to studenter med bakgrunn fra indøk og kunsthistorie på NTNU. Per i dag er vi 4 ansatte, vi har 14 pilotkunder, og vi har hentet 3.45 MNOK i funding

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Håvard Lystrup

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