Publisert: 15.06.23

BCG Platinion Hackathon 2023

Are you interested in exploring new insights with a community of driven and passionate people from all around the world? Are you ready to build technical solutions to help craft the future of mobility?

If you are an IT architect, with a background in developing, or an engineer interested in IT consulting, or just someone who is deeply passionate about the tech universe, then this is for you!

Together, we will move the dial on creating efficient, sustainable, and convenient technical solutions—to address some of the most profound mobility challenges many of us face today.

We strongly believe that the best solutions are born out of great collaboration! We’re bringing together a tremendous group of global tech talent to work in small teams. The two-day on-site event will take place across our hubs in Dusseldorf, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Casablanca, Johannesburg, Bogotá, Santiago de Chile and São Paulo. 

You will hack together in workspaces, supported by a group of experienced BCG Platinion experts. At the end of the two-day Hackathon, each team will pitch their product—and yes, winners will be rewarded!

Participation is completely free and all event-related costs will be covered.

Om Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



Boston Consulting Group (BCG) er et verdensledende konsulentselskap, innen strategisk rådgivning. Vi bistår toppledelsen i norske og internasjonale selskaper med å løse deres viktigste utfordringer, for å skape og opprettholde varige konkurransefordeler.

Med over 90 kontorer fordelt på 50 land har BCG stor global rekkevidde, og det åpner for mange internasjonale muligheter for våre ansatte. BCG er en kunnskapsbedrift, og kvaliteten på vårt arbeid avhenger av de menneskene som jobber hos oss. Vi ønsker derfor å knytte til oss de aller dyktigste kandidatene fra ulike studieretninger. Å jobbe hos BCG byr på spennende utfordringer og nytenkende løsninger, hvor vi bistår hverandre og våre klienter med å oppnå sitt fulle potensiale.

Düsseldorf, Germany
1 2 3 4 5
Marit Klos

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