Publisert: 27.03.22

Research Assistant in Computer and Systems Sciences (fixed-term employment) - Stockholm University

Research Assistant in Computer and Systems Sciences (fixed-term employment)

at The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) is one of the oldest IT departments in Sweden and one of the largest departments at Stockholm University with around 5,000 students and around 190 employees. The discipline of computer and systems sciences bridges the gap between technology and the humanities, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. The use and design of IT is put in context in relation to people, organizations, and society. DSV offers a stimulating research environment in an international setting.]

Main responsibilities
The Nordic countries have committed to ambitious climate targets, e.g., zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by the year 2045. Given that power sectors in the Nordic region are deregulated, bi-level models are the state of the art for analysing decision-making problems therein with conflicting objectives, e.g., a transmission planner that invests in network capacity subject to industry equilibria at the lower level.

This project will tailor solution methods for tackling realistic yet computationally demanding problem instances necessary to inform transmission planning in the Nordic power sector. Relevant methods include (i) reformulations that exploit the problem’s mathematical structure, e.g., parametric programming, and (ii) division of the problem into tractable parts that can be solved independently and recombined into a solution, i.e., decomposition.

Qualification requirements
The applicant must be pursuing a first-cycle (or higher) degree in Computer and Systems Sciences or another area that is considered relevant by the employer.

Other merits
Knowledge of electricity markets, energy policy, and environmental issues is desirable. The ideal candidate should have a background in a quantitative subject, e.g., economics, operations research, or systems analysis, with programming and data-handling experience.

Terms of employment
This is a fixed-term employment for 2, 5 months of full-time employment. Salaries at Stockholm University are determined individually; therefore, please indicate your requested salary. Start date immediately.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Afzal Siddiqui, telephone: +46 8 16 13 85, [email protected].

Union representatives
Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64, [email protected], Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/Lärarförbundet), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89, [email protected], and [email protected] (SEKO).

Apply for the position at Stockholm University's recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

Only include the cover letter and CV in your application. Bring copies of grades and certificates if you are called to an interview.

The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

You are welcome to apply!

Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.

Closing date: 15/04/2022

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