Publisert: 03.02.22

Junior Fullstack-developer - Perfect timing

83% of us are not active enough. Every 42 minutes, on average, a Norwegian dies of a disease linked to inactivity.  We are creating a million-dollar company that helps to improve public health at the same time.

Our story

Since 2018 we have strived to understand how we can increase people's workouts-motivation by leveraging activity trackers.

  • 2018 Training-bets - A lot of fun, and our first product with a lot of users, but difficult to make  it economically sustainable
  • 2019 Training-fundraising - Exciting in many ways, but demanding to find a business model.
  • 2020 Training competitions for companies - Difficult to keep invited participants motivated for a long time
  • 2021 Training-based loyalty - Perfect match

Our product connects activity trackers with e-commerce and CRM tools to enable our customers (online stores, brands, and retailers) to be able to reward healthy physical habits. While we still have a lot of features we want to develop, our product is live with paying customers, with more standing in line to launch this winter/spring. Our goal for 2022 is to motivate 100.000 towards a healthier and more exciting lifestyle. 

More info at

The position

Do you dream of creating your own success? Or to become part of a highly competent team in the development of a product that no one has made before? Are you motivated by challenges with the need for new and creative solutions?

As a full-stack developer in Stready, you will be put together with three other highly knowledgeable and ambitious developers. We are constantly updated on new trends in tech. We have a modern stack which means you will get to test out the latest tools available.


A good candidate must have

  • ability to work and communicate well with development and business teams
  • good oral and written communication in Norwegian and/or English
  • ability to learn
  • some sort of programming or software development experience

A good candidate should have

  • familiarity with some software design and software architecture ideas

It would be nice for a candidate to have conceptual familiarity with

  • IDesign methodology and/or Actor Model (volatility based decomposition)
  • Microservice and Monolithic architecture
  • SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
  • Event Driven Architecture
  • testing (unit, integration)

It would be nice for a candidate to have programming language familiarity with

  • Golang
  • Javascript and/or Typescript
  • NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Redis) and relational databases (PostgreSQL)

It would be nice for a candidate to have technology familiarity with

  • Kubernetes (Helm, kubectl, containers, Docker, operators)
  • cloud services (Google Cloud Platform, Google Pubsub)
  • IAC (Terraform)
  • CI/CD (
  • Protobuf and gRPC
  • smartwatch integrations (Garmin, Polar, Fitbit, Suunto)
  • ecommerce integrations
  • frontend Javascript frameworks (Vue, React, Svelte, etc)


Our office is based in beautiful Trondheim. But we have a 100% digital workflow which means that you can work remotely from Oslo, Cape Town, or any place else.


Work remote

Ownership in an early stage company

Create a healthier world


Selected candidates are admitted for an interview.

The interview consists of a general interview and a technical interview.

Technical details

The system is designed with a service-oriented architecture in mind and is mainly written in Go and deployed using Kubernetes (GKE). Communication between services is done through pub/sub and gRPC. The system is under development and some parts are yet to be set stone. You will have the opportunity to take part in discussions regarding implementation choices and will be able to help shape the final system.

Good luck! We can´t wait to get to know you:)

Lars Andreassen, Otto Lote, Ruben Sevalson, Didrik Tønseth, Trym Nordgaard & Everett Frisch

Om Stready



Ønsker du å skape og eie din egen bedrift, “hands on” erfaring og å bidra til å gjøre folk sunnere samtidig. Da burde du bli med i Stready-teamet.

83 % av den norske befolkningen er ikke aktive nok. Hvert 42 minutt dør i snitt en nordmann av sykdom som kan relateres til mangel på fysisk aktivitet.
Vårt mål har alltid vært å forstå hvordan vi kan skape treningsmotivasjon. Siden 2018 har vi gjennom flere prosjekter gjort nettopp det. I 2018 startet vi med treningsveddemål, og her har vi gitt motivasjon til over 1 500 deltagere. Vi har også arrangert treningsdugnader, hvor vi har motivert til aktivitet, samtidig som vi har samlet inn penger til veldedige organisasjoner som WWF og UNICEF.

NÅ er vi i gang med å utvikle et nytt og spennende produkt, og kundene står i kø. Vi bygger en løsning som gjør at nettbutikker ikke bare kan belønne deres kunder for kjøp, men også når kunder når sine treningsmål! Dermed kan bygge en stor og lojal kundebase som kommer tilbake, både for å kjøpe deres produkter, og for å nå sine treningsmål. Vi er supermotivert til å rulle ut produktet i løpet av 2021, og håper du deler vårt engasjement.

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Trym Nordgaard

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